Consumer Product Design
Consumer IoT and Home Appliance Product Design
Connected Applications for
the 21st Century
USA Firmware has developed the engineering for smart home products, home appliances and home electronics with several of the world’s most respected consumer brands. The products we either designed completely or helped engineer for our clients are sold online and through well-known retailers nationwide.
Smart Home Devices and Products
USA Firmware has been on the forefront in designing and developing IoT applications, smart home products, and connected solutions for the home, including the following products:
- Smart ceiling fans
- Smart indoor lighting
- Smart battery operated camping lamp
- The world’s smartest kitchen faucet (award winner at 2020 CES and KBIZ exhibitions)
- Smart pill dispensing
- Smart wall thermostats
- Smart water coolers
- Smart gas fireplaces
- Smart mattress system
- Smart pet locator system
- Smart glasses for audio and video recording
- Automated product reordering
Benefits of
USA Firmware
High Volume / Low Price Experience
ULⓇ/CE/CSA Experience
Home Appliances
USA Firmware’s experience extends to a wide variety of home appliances that deliver effortless innovation for some of the must-have appliances in today’s busy households. These appliances include the following IoT applications:
- Motion detecting lighted garbage disposals
- Lithium ion cordless vacuum cleaners
- Smart temperature and firmness-controlled beds
- Water reclamation for the home
General Consumer Products
Smart home devices and consumer appliances are just the beginning of the product development and engineering expertise USA Firmware offers its clients. General consumer goods and electronics are also included as a core-competency. Several examples of this work include:
- Bridged wireless floodlights
- Home laser tag
- Garage door openers
- Automotive aftermarket engine performance products