Blogs, Vlogs + Podcasts


Dealing with EOL, End of Life in Electronics

Know what you are looking at when it comes to reviewing a PCB assembly. If the electronics appear older, you may have EOL (End of Life) components. Here’s how to avoid an EOL catastrophe.

Bob Scaccia Embedded Computing Design

Embedded Executive: Bob Scaccia, President & CEO, USA Firmware

Firmware is becoming the new software. If you believe that, as Bob Scaccia, President and CEO of USA Firmware does, we are at the beginning of a new era, and we had better be prepared for it.

USA Firmware Losant Video

Losant Interviews Bob Scaccia, USA Firmware

Losant interviewed IoT ecosystem partner USA Firmware, and their CEO Bob Scaccia, about how expert engineered firmware and software integration can reduce the complexity of IoT development.

Connected cityscape

The Firmware Age

Firmware is the software that engineers use to control or communicate with electronics. It’s typically embedded in a device or ‘thing’. Think of it as the bridge from ‘soft’ software to ‘hard’ hardware. How did we get here?

software code

Software is so yesterday. Firmware is the new Software.

Software has brought us huge technological advances. The world can commerce, communicate and connect like we could never have imagined.

People inspecting IoT

IoT’s Firmware Dilemma

Firmware controls the electronics which then connect our ‘things’ to the internet of ‘things’. As a result firmware will reside on, well, everything. So what’s the dilemma with the current state of Firmware?

IoT connected icons

The IoT Imperative and your product portfolio

IoT (Internet of Things) is going to be part of your customer’s future, and better be part of your product portfolio. However, incorporating IoT is hard and done wrong can destroy your brand and worse yet your business.

Firmware definition newspaper

What is Firmware?

The most accepted definition of firmware is something like, programming stored in ‘memory which cannot be modified during run-time.’ This kind of memory is called ‘non-volatile’ memory. It’s the opinion of the author and several other firmware engineers that this definition, although true, is lacking. It only conveys two things.